Hire the right people.

Spielwork takes creating vacancies off your hands. Spielwork vacancies ensure you attract more and better candidates, and build a strong employer brand.

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qualitative candidates


Cost savings
agencies 2020


time to hire

"We find candidates more easily due to the qualitative vacancies and our reinforced employer brand. Good candidates now come to the organization on their own. Our colleagues are proud of us as an employer and its ambassadors."

– Joyce Jankok HR Business Partner at NEN


matching candidates


early leavers


More hires
in crucial jobs

"I myself am part of all the first interviews and I really succeeded very well in communicating to candidates what we do and why we do it. This is much clearer than before."

– Edwin Huizing Department head at LAVG


time to hire


Of candidates know
better what the job entails

"Thanks in part to the professionalization of recruitment and the great collaboration, we now first recruit ourselves before engaging an external agency. We see that we spend considerably less costs on these agencies."

– Mike de Hoog Corporate Recruiter at De Vereende


Of vacancies


Decrease time
spent on vacancy creation


Realistic vacancies
and a strong employer brand

"Writing good vacancies is a profession in its own right, so you should leave that to an expert. Otherwise you will quickly fall into the old standard: copying and pasting job descriptions from the past."

– Janet Zoer Head HR at Port of Amsterdam

Effective job postings are a must.

In these times, recruitment is a high performance sport. Everything has to be perfect. The actual vacancy is the point in the search at which a candidate gets excited about a job. Or not. Spielwork takes creating a vacancy off your hands and helps you hire the right people.

Show what you have to offer.

Spielwork vacancies give a realistic picture of the company culture and job expectation. This gives you more and better candidates, who will stay with you longer and be more satisfied.

Spielwork takes the entire process of creating job vacancies off your hands.

1Creating content is a profession

Spielwork researches the job and culture of your company. By talking to employees in the job, the vacancy descriptions are created from scratch.

2Spielwork creates visual content

That appeals to the target group and shows the actual daily work and culture. The vacancies and content are placed on your website and social media channels.

3Don’t have an appealing jobs page yet?

We'll create one for you for free. If you do, the vacancies will be posted on your website.

4Job marketing

You should only invest in reaching your target group once the basis is in place. When we have created the landing pages and content, we can also help with job marketing.

5A committed account manager from Spielwork

Who thinks along strategically. You remain in control and can easily adapt vacancies and put them online-offline.

Do you think from the candidate's perspective?

This is what jobseekers think of Spielwork

Business Development Manager

Due to Spielwork's honest vacancies, I had a good idea of my future employer prior to the application process. Spielwork offers no-nonsense communication, is visually strong and provides a clear picture of both job content and the company itself. I enjoy working at my new employer and the vacancy corresponds exactly to what it really is.

Paul Pontier
Accountmanager NEN Trainingen

Visual, clear and powerful without pompous lyrics. I noticed this immediately when I went through the vacancy at Spielwork. It gave me a clear insight into the position and even a feeling about the culture of the organization.

Remco Hoeffnagel
Account Strategist

Spielwork is a job vacancy site that gives you a personal insight into the position, conditions and organization. This made me more motivated to get acquainted with the company. I have been working at Maxlead for 4 months now and all my expectations have come true. As far as I'm concerned, the perfect platform for a new challenge.

Calvin Kahlé
Sales Manager

In many vacancies, redundant and standard information is communicated. The Spielwork vacancy is clear, honest and efficient. I am now a few months further into my new job and the vacancy therefore fits well with what my work looks like today. So it matches my expectations.

Hire the right people

Discover what Spielwork can mean for your organization. Book a 30 minute demo.

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Feel free to call us at: +31 20 261 8357